Monday 12 October 2009

WOLF Family Day @ Cawthorne Park Woodlands – Sunday 25th October 2009

Join us in another of our family fun days at Cawthorne Park Woodlands and see the woodland in its autumn glory. Where you can test your nature knowledge and your observation skills, whilst creating nature based crafts.

The entrance to Cawthorne Park Woods is off Upper Field Lane, High Hoyland, Barnsley approximately half way between Darton High School and High Hoyland and shouldn‛t be confused with Cawthorne Park or Cannon Hall.


9:30 till 10 am - Drop Off and Introductions
Join us for a welcome drink in our new shelter and store room.

10am till 12pm -Seed Collecting and the “Great Nut Hunt”
Wonder through the woods collecting different tree seeds that can be taken home for you to plant and see if you can grow any trees.

At the same time join in the national ‘Nut Hunt’ searching for evidence of the endangered hazel doormice.

12pm till 2pm - Camp Craft
Practice some back camp skills. Learn how to make a fire using various techniques and then cook your food on an open fire.

2pm till 4pm - Build a bird / bat box / Make a mini forest
Using our kits you can build a bird or bat box. Build two so that WOLF can put one in the woods and take the other home.

Using interesting bits that you have collected in the woods, like seed shells pine cones etc, create a mini forest scene that you can take home.

During the Day - Team Games
Depending on weather conditions we will include a number of team games to break the ice and get everyone working together.

Children all day £10. Parents who are accompanying children free but a charge of £5 if you want lunch.

For further details or to confirm your attendance please contact Chris Bingley (07778655270) or add a comment to our blogsite confirming your attendance

1 comment:

  1. Reserve 4 Places - 2 Adults and 2 Children

    Looking forward to another great day out
